BOSTON SCHOOL OF ELECTROLYSIS™ & BOSTON ELECTROLYSIS™ PRIVATE PRACTICE© For Safe Permanent Hair Removal Private Appointments With Kimberly Williams, R.E., Dean Massachusetts Licensed & Registered Electrologist, 1979 Board Certified Electrologist "GUEST LECTURER OF HARVARD SCHOOL FROM 1983-1987" AMERICA'S FIRST COMPUTER ELECTROLOGY-ELECTROLYSIS SPECIALIST™ THREE COMPUTERIZED TECHNIQUES SHORT-WAVE-GALVANIC-BLEND By Appointment Only Conveniently located at 7330 East Earll Drive, Suite J, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Serving Metro Phoenix-Scottsdale-Mesa-Tempe-Glendale, Arizona Call 480-607-8121 For A No Fee Consultation & ASK ABOUT MY WRITTEN GUARANTEE OF EXCELLENCE Now Accepting New Patients & Early Morning Appointments for Busy Professionals In Scottsdale, Arizona ELECTROLYSIS IN AMERICA! What Is A Certified Professional Electrologist? Boston Electrolysis & Boston School of Electrolysis Without one doubt today's consumer is confused regarding the vast multitudes of hair removal centers and the mystifying names and often-exotic titles that uneducated non-licensed lay electrologists use. When you look in the phonebook, surf the web you still do not know or understand what the advertising electrologists qualifications really are. Many electrologists who have taken a ten-day to three week certification courses will often use the initials C.P.E. which means Certified Professional Electrologist so I thought this article will help you the consumer to understand exactly what it takes to become a Certified Professional Electrologist and no doubt you will be quite surprised and informed to say the least. For those of you fortunate enough to reside in states with licensing and registration requirements for electrologists it's easy to find a qualified electrologist. On the other hand in states like Arizona, which by the way does not have a State Board Of Electrologists finding a licensed and registered electrologist can be a virtual challenge especially on the Internet? Arizona and 17 other states do not have licensing and registration requirements to practice electrolysis along with no legislated rules or regulation to enforce laws that protect you the consumer from the temporary hair removal quacks. The down side of this is that consumers are often misled or are completely deceived as to how educated and qualified their electrologist is to practice electrolysis. So listed below is the most often used and confusing titles the C.P.E. AKA Certified Professional Electrologist. Furthermore after finishing this article you will be an expert and be to make the best possible choice when selecting your electrologist.
The C.P.E. AKA Certified Professional
Electrologist Fact and for the record - The Certified Professional Electrologist AKA the C.P.E. is the most prolific and common of all the non-licensed electrologists courses. Furthermore their education can be completed in a relatively short amount of time from ten days to three weeks. Fact and for record the Certified Professional Electrologists do not have a defined published theoretical or practically applied curriculum plus there is no practical examination that is approved by a State Board of Electrologists. The American Electrology Association who is their largest sponsors for membership has shrouded the process to become a Certified Professional Electrologist in a veil of cloaked secrecy. However I did find the requirements to become a C.P.E. in non-licensed states. The International Board of Electrologists Certification requires an individual to take 120 hours of training from an electrolysis school which by the way does not have to be licensed. Furthermore you can also apprentice with a Certified Professional Electrologist for a mere 120 hours with a handy notarized affidavit with proof of residency don't forget to submit a copy of your driver's licenses when you are ready to take the examination. Yessireebob, those sure are stringent requirements just to qualify for your examination to become a Certified Professional Electrologist can be most taxing. In addition the 120-hour course consists of an actual 20 to 30 hours of practical application training. Oh, yes there is no minimum requirement like you had to graduate from High School or trade school to become a Certified Professional Electrologist, heck who needs that anyway?Who Gives This Examination?
The International Board of Electrologists Certification who is located founded in 1958 Thomson Prometric, 644 Rosedale Road, Princeton New Jersey 08540.The Examination
Without one doubt and in my professional opinion the examination is tough one and those multiple-choice questions can be quite demanding or tricky to say the least. Furthermore the Certified Professional Electrologists instruction booklet provides the future Certified Professional Electrologist AKA C.P.E. sample questions and answers and the correct answers are printed upside down. Furthermore you have 2 1/2 hours to complete this grueling multiple-choice examination and you are allowed to use a dictionary for word translation only. However where do you find a definition only dictionary? In addition to that security is really tight you are asked to sign a statement that you are who you claim to be also I have heard they do not crosscheck the list or require identification to take the exam. Maybe Homeland security should hire them? Finally grades are never published and you will receive a letter whether you passed of failed. Finally the passing score on this multiple-choice test for an individual to become a Certified Professional Electrologist is 70%. Furthermore with no required testing of the individual's actual ability to perform a practical application examination, they just skip it. It seems The International Board Of Electrologists Certification in their infinite wisdom are assured that no one needs to be tested for practical application so why ruin a perfect score must be their motto? In my professional opinion the Certified Professional Electrologist has been given the green light for on the job training when it comes to learning Electrolysis. Every state that requires licenses and registration to practice as electrologists demands that you take a written and a practical examination. However I do not understand why the Certified Professional Electrologists do not have to be tested in the same manner a licensed and registered electrologist does.Health Status
Also there are no enforced OSHA requirements and further investigation reveals there is no back-round check to ensure that they do not have criminal history. Also there is no mandatory or required blood testing, which states that the individual does not have a communicable disease, or medical condition that can be passed on to the public. Without one doubt in my professional opinion these are safety regulations that cannot be overlooked in fact The Certified Professional Electrologist do not have to answer anyone. What is more amazing your Certified Professional Electrologists often become a certified laser specialist and that training is only 40 hours long.What about other certification courses?
If you reside in state such as Arizona, which does not have one legal requirement to practice as an electrologist and you see the word certified that means you should take the time to investigate their credentials. Furthermore the second most common title is C.E., which means Certified Electrologist, which is a total self-appointed title with absolutely no merit that justifies an individual to think they have the right to practice as an electrologist. Fact and for the record your best and only choice for safe permanent hair is a licensed and registered electrologist with a minimum of 500 hundred of training. Kimberly Williams, R.E. Dean Investigative Reporter For The Five Star Electrologist™ Boston School of Electrolysis™ President of The Five Star Electrologists Guild™ Copyright Boston School of Electrolysis All Rights Reserved 2005Go back